Designer: Lucian Rusu, Florentina Giol, Larisa Dragna (Idelier)
Model: Veronica Turtureanu
Make-up: Gabriela Dragomir
Style: Andrei Avram and Carmen Avram
Photo: Carmen-Iulia Avram
Tail Jacket in beige, 180 Euro, Florentina Giol | Lace top in black, 20 euro, H&M | Brocart Pants in green, 135 Euro, Lucian Rusu | Court Shoes in black, 20 euro, H&M | bag in black, 15 euro, H&M | Metal Earrings, model wardrobe.
Tulle Suit Jacket in black, 70 Euro, Larisa Dragna | Tulle Dress, 160 euro, Florentina Giol | Leather gloves in black, 30 euro, Accessorize
Tulle Suit Jacket in black, 70 Euro, Larisa Dragna | Tulle Dress, 160 euro, Florentina Giol | Wedges anckle Leather Boots in wine, 35 euro, H&M | Satin gloves in shiny black, 15 euro, Accessorize | clutch in satin black, 60 euro, Accessorize | Silver Bracelet with Swarovski, 6 euro, H&M | Silver Skull Ring, 3 euro, H&M
She's a lust&cruel character, calculated but sensual until she accomplish her purposes.
She lives with no signs of regrets, unhappy until she feels the glory.
She's unique for her beauty, so everything is allowed to her.
For more information about the Idelier designers, please follow them on Facebook or search the details on web.
Special Thanks to: Idelier - Piata Romana Bucuresti, Sirul Vamii Restaurant - Centrul Vechi Brasov, Bistro de l' Arte Restaurant - Piata George Enescu Brasov
Let us know what you like!
RăspundețiȘtergerewow especially that last picture is absolutely breathtaking!
I'm glad that you've liked our ideea!Thank you, Mary!
ȘtergereI love that beige coat so perfect!:)
RăspundețiȘtergereso awesome that coat I mean beige one!:)
RăspundețiȘtergereWith your permission, my comments are about the photographs that are well lit and maintained to detail. Good framing and good models. All perfect. A kiss from Spain;)
RăspundețiȘtergereCon tu permiso, mis comentarios son sobre la fotografías que están perfectamente iluminadas y cuidadas al más mínimo detalle. Buenos encuadres y buenas modelos. Todo perfecto. Un beso desde España ;)