by Stephan Pelger - successful Fashion Designer at Berlin - 10 Years Celebretion Event article: link
"At first, I've seen they act with readiness. Secondly,the profesionalism, it may sound as a cliché, but in fashion, everybody points to creativity. Not taking care about other basic aspects.
They took time for preparing the photo session, I felt everything was allright, not only when we've met, Carmen and Andrei also have sended on email the frames we were about to take in consideration. I got used with their approach on things. Everything seemed too be well shaped.
I had to discuss more about the clothes I chosed to wear. Considering we were to work together, trust should already been installed. Any doubts were washed away with the email containing the details about my clothes. I appreciated this as being part of their working behavior and for the goods of the project.
Then I felt great of being asked a feedback for the first time in Romania. I got the hope that things are going to get better in Romania.
Everything went as we planned. Today was the day I looked to the photos we've took... on the camera they were superb."
"Trei accesorii Prochaine, intr-un pictorial marca Modapestrada:
Trei dintre accesoriile handmade Prochaine au fost alese recent de editorii site-ului ModapeStrada pentru un pictorial romantic, ce poate reprezenta o inspiratie pentru fiecare dintre noi."
Anca Radulescu - Fashion Designer Prochaine. Fashion Styling and Photo: Noemi Gunea Actress from Paris
Trei dintre accesoriile handmade Prochaine au fost alese recent de editorii site-ului ModapeStrada pentru un pictorial romantic, ce poate reprezenta o inspiratie pentru fiecare dintre noi."
Anca Radulescu - Fashion Designer Prochaine. Fashion Styling and Photo: Noemi Gunea Actress from Paris

MisterZ Beats - UTV Music Producer, The Lions Beat. Video link
"Un review foarte dragut al evenimentului fashion unde am avut ocazia sa cant saptamana trecuta.
Multumesc ModapeStrada pentru poze.
Intrati si aruncati un ochi. Va pup!"
Eliza Manda - Jazz Singer at Yagmur Akdag fashion show: Ilfirin
"Multumesc pentru ocazia de a participa la acest proiect extrem de avangardist.
Succes tuturor, in tot ce va propuneti!"
Maria el Dani - Fashion make-up artist. Fashion Styling and Photo: Cameleon
"Romanian fashion team ModapeStrada features your truly in Bucharest. Jewelry by Deaxis and styled by award-winning London-based top fashion stylist Andrei Avram"
Ting Zhuang - Actress in USA. Fashion Styling and Photo: Beautiful Memoires of Bucharest
"I was looking for a suit and Carmen helped me to find the right suit. This suit is very confortable, suits my personality, unique. I can't wait to wear it. Thank you Carmen."
Akash - London, age: 19. Men Personal shopping in London.
invatat foarte multe in materie de stil de la Carmen si Andrei. Stiu mult mai
bine cum sa combin diferite tinute si accesorii pentru a ma simti bine in
hainele pe care le port si pentru a-mi da mai multa incredere in mine. Ca
model, este important sa ai un stil vestimetar bine definit, sa te imbraci
adecvat oricarei situatii si sa stralucesti in tot ceea ce porti. Andrei si
Carmen mi-au aratat ce haine mi se potrivesc cel mai bine si cum sa combin
anumite piese din garderoba mea care imi plac foarte mult, dar pe care nu stiam
cu ce sa le port. Acum am o cu totul alta viziune asupra stilului meu si stiu
exact ce sa imi cumpar pe viitor.
Andrei si Carmen, va multumesc mult pentru sfaturi si pentru ca mi-ati
amintit cat de distractiv este sa iti alegi tinuta potrivita si sa o
Andreea Moldoveanu - professional model. Fashion Styling and Photo: link
"With your help I remembered that I like to dress up and I can have fun in the same time. After I tried the service Wardrobe Consulting I decided I will try more to draw my own style, because almost I had stopped thinking about this side of my life. Also good thing to do next is bringing key elements into my wardrobe. All this service but also the shooting session that followed it was a theraphy of good taste and an invitation to creativity about my personal clothing style. Andrei and Iulia, I thank you so for the marvellous moments spend together!"
Gabi Dragomir, 33. Wardrobe styling.
Gabi Dragomir, 33. Wardrobe styling.
"I reserved for a session of online styling. He measured me so all the clothes were the perfect fit. We made the photos close to a terrace. Surprisingly, some boys, that where there for a morning drink became my fans and went even further to associate me with a rock star, even they wished to be part of my photos and give my signatures, be present in my concerts. So flattering!"
Loredana Soare, 20. Online Styling: Fresh after club
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