Model and Actress: Ting Zhuang
Accessories: Deaxis Jewelry
Style: Andrei Avram
Photo: Carmen-Iulia Avram
It's said that chinese girls are one of the most beautiful and prettiest in the world ... Maybe because they live the moments with all the energy they were given, and they really believe that chance is on their side.
Ting has the most beautiful and perfect yellowish porcelain skin. She is also a very smart & lovely actor and model.
She disolved when she saw herself between all beauties of the arhitecture sorrounding her. Happy and sad, that's the way we've seen Bucharest city with all it's wonders, in the beginning of autumn, and that's the feelings she's experienced on romanian land. We've captured in our photos as much beauty as we could, but also we've wanted to transmitt the decadence that city struggles to fight with.
To remember these moments, we've guided you, Ting, through Bucharest attractions: Romanian Athenaeum, National Art Museum, The Building of the Architects.
You're welcome!
verdade Andrei elas são lindas ...parabéns Pedro Puglese
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you for your beautiful comment!my hope that you will continue to enjoy my work. Carmen