
I'm in training for a better me : need it help to put together my business outfits

Claudia Oancea

Personal stylist: Andrei Avram
Photo: Carmen-Iulia Avram
Model: Claudia Oancea

Claudia's outfit: 
Dress ModaAliss, TopMan Scarf, Navy Jacket Dorothy Perkins 20 pounds, Black Shoes Dorothy Perkins 30 pounds.

I started to take care of my business look because I've reached a time when career is essential and important part of my life. What is fine now to pay attention with, that exist a business dressing code (with no flip-flaps or sport outfits). 

I remember that in highschool we had to dress a special uniform for everyday wear and it was a great responsability to make it look good and of course a pair of classic shoes. I was impressed of the old people from my hometown that considered us dressed like this so beautiful and had spoken about us with a certain respect.

In the relation boss-employer we all wish to have a happy boss than a nervous one. Every boss work to improve the image of the company he rules. So for the multiple interactions I face and the simple fact that I meet new people, I'm taking care of how I look because this speaks about how serious I'm about what I do and my position in the company.

I have many black pieces in my wardrobe and it's not a surprise because this flatters my colour skin. I prefere to accesorize these with more colourful pieces.
I'm guided by the latest trends to go buying lace, crochet, 70's look and I wish to find them in bright colours like blue, red, turquoise, green and pink.
I love sunglasses in the sunny days and I'm fond of my plastic black pair from Polaroid.
I would happily follow the block colour trend, I like to be admired and I keep with the things that bring a sense of colour in my life.

Remember me? Stylish in black!

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