
Remediu impotriva plictiselii si a stresului

Sa aducem forma si culoare in viata noastra.

Am fost la Brasov. Oras ce strange la un loc forme de relief, forme arhitecturale, culorile care imbraca orasul, cu parcuri de copii (poate doar turisti), porumbei fara frica de turisti, diverse grupuri vesele care au ceva de sarbatorit(nunti, concerte), ceva de spus.

Hai sa-i inspiram pe ceilalti prin alegerea hainelor si accesoriilor care dau o forma armonioasa corpului nostru, si a culorilor care ne schimba felul in care vedem viata.

I-am intrebat pe cei care au vrut sa apara in pozele noastre care este obiectul preferat al tinutei cu care au fost surprinsi.

Foto: Carmen-Iulia Avram, 11.06.2011, orele 11-16, Piata Sfatului, Brasov

Ana, obiectul preferat pe care l-a folosit in tinuta este inelul fluture.

Gariela, rochia aleasa ca s-o poarte i se pare deosebita si este obiectul preferat al tinutei.

Alina, sacoul auriu ii place sa-l poarte.

Loredana si Liviu. Loredana se simte bine cu o geanta care atrage privirile.


I'm in training for a better me : need it help to put together my business outfits

Claudia Oancea

Personal stylist: Andrei Avram
Photo: Carmen-Iulia Avram
Model: Claudia Oancea

Claudia's outfit: 
Dress ModaAliss, TopMan Scarf, Navy Jacket Dorothy Perkins 20 pounds, Black Shoes Dorothy Perkins 30 pounds.

I started to take care of my business look because I've reached a time when career is essential and important part of my life. What is fine now to pay attention with, that exist a business dressing code (with no flip-flaps or sport outfits). 

I remember that in highschool we had to dress a special uniform for everyday wear and it was a great responsability to make it look good and of course a pair of classic shoes. I was impressed of the old people from my hometown that considered us dressed like this so beautiful and had spoken about us with a certain respect.

In the relation boss-employer we all wish to have a happy boss than a nervous one. Every boss work to improve the image of the company he rules. So for the multiple interactions I face and the simple fact that I meet new people, I'm taking care of how I look because this speaks about how serious I'm about what I do and my position in the company.

I have many black pieces in my wardrobe and it's not a surprise because this flatters my colour skin. I prefere to accesorize these with more colourful pieces.
I'm guided by the latest trends to go buying lace, crochet, 70's look and I wish to find them in bright colours like blue, red, turquoise, green and pink.
I love sunglasses in the sunny days and I'm fond of my plastic black pair from Polaroid.
I would happily follow the block colour trend, I like to be admired and I keep with the things that bring a sense of colour in my life.

Remember me? Stylish in black!