
Roberto Rotophotographer speaking about his work, collaboration with stylits, but more is on his website

We spoke with Roberto, from Rotophotography, a photographer from Prato, Italy to hear that indeed was good to colaborate with stylists.

Q: I know for your editorials you collaborated with different stylists as: Mirella Siletto - Linda M, Deborah Gattuso & Simone Paraticoin in the albums Winter Marine Blues, The Gate and Fidelio. Where was your work published?

Roto: I did editorials for Maxim - Alufem - Fitness Magazine - Boss - Oltre - DL Deluxe and many sport magazine, none of them include collaborations with the stylists you mentioned.

Q: How did the stylists help you build a creative team to make your images as artistic as possible?

Roto: The importance of the right stylist is crucial in the success of a shooting. When I start to build up a project I always try to figure out who is the right stylist for that particular assignment.

Q: You have to bring tension to your photos. Which elements help you?

Roto: For me that's all about the right mood you need and want in a particular set. I like when all the team do their homeworks for that particular project, ie studing the moodboard.
When I shoot I don't really like to be much directive, I prefer to let the models to express theirselves into the lines of the mood of the project.

Q: You could capture the emotionally expression of the woman.But what about the men, what feelings they should share with us?

Roto: I don't feel to work with male models any different than with female models.

Interview made by ModapeStrada in february.2011

Why do you think photos like Roberto made of women with attitude and well dressed attract us to watch them?

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