
First summer shop: A GOOD traveller's clothing mini-guide

Model: Andreea Moldoveanu

Make-up: Andrei Avram
Style by: Andrei Avram
Photo by: Carmen-Iulia Avram

First outfit(1):

Second outfit(2):

Third outfit(3):

The holidays are the perfect excuse to get a little dressed up!

Whether you go at the seaside or in the mountains, this summer you should taste the magic of the holidays and dress according to all the enthusiasm felt in these moments. You need to get some special clothing for every place you go, because you are special! Especially if ur travelling around Australia.
There should be no limit when choosing bright and FUN colours or neutral pastels for your summer outfits. By what you dress, YOU could try to transmitt energy, careless and don't forget to bring some FRESH attitude!
And you know what? Travelling is an experience for ADVENTUROUS people. Free your MIND, Let your conscience FREE!
Here are some examples of summer holidays outfits for day and night. Thank you Andreea.

The first oufit(1) is made for those who had fallen in love with many spectacular views: the beauty of cliffs and seaside, and, of course, would not leave before purchasing her favourite chain of pearls.
The second outfit(2) is for the tour of the town, with a sack on the shoulder, so fresh and ready for everything might come in the trip, and also willing to taste the offers of local extravagantza.
The third(3): And where is the soul of fun after the sunset:on a beach party, with live music and lots of drinks. Being in this mood, remember not to confess too much to the strangers, because can broke your chances to ask them for a new meeting!

And for YOU,who would be your dream travelling companion and why?
Do you see yourself wearing one of these outfits?

Tell us where you could GO travelling again and again?


1 iunie - Tinute in spiritul verii

Ce sa-ti doresti vara asta? Tinute fresh, oameni dornici de lumina si caldura. Combinatii neasteptate, materiale lucioase. Poarta acele haine care-ti incarca bateriile, orice te inspira sa ai un stil curat, studiat si extrem de original!

Dar mai mult decat orice trebuie sa porti hainele avand atitudinea corecta, sa indraznesti sa combini piesele CASUAL intr-un  mod neasteptat, cu accesorii neobisnuite si culori ce ies din tipar. Cat despre tinutele CLASICE, ele dau o nota de rafinament si seriozitate persoanei care le poarta, dar vor fi niste combinatii de succes doar daca intelegi sa le pui o amprenta personala, jucausa, avand detalii surprinzatoare.

Ana (st) si Ioana. Reintorcandu-ne la ce am surprins pe STRADA, am intalnit persoane dornice sa impresioneze prin LOOK. Recomandarile noastre stilistice,  ale echipei Modapestrada, inspirate de moda britanica, va sunt de ajutor! Ana si Ioana au ales tinute relax, pentru o seara cu prietenii in oras.

Ana, la combinatia pe care ai ales-o iti sugeram o pereche de sandale Asos, care pe langa faptul ca sunt comfortabile, sunt si extrem de stylish>pretul lor este de 300 ron; link aici.

Ioana, stilul sport adoptat, va crea un val de WOW, daca ai grija sa adaugi un detaliu glamour precum jacheta bomber Lashes Of London Island>pretul ei este 300 ron; link aici.
Andra ne-a placut cum arati in aceasta fusta ladylike. Tie ne-am gandit sa-ti propunem un plic Ted Baker, care va face toata diferenta cand il vei purta>link aici.
Tu cum faci sa obtii un feedback  la tinuta care o porti la office/ la o iesire cu prietenii?
Pana la urmatoarea noastra intalnire, aici pe blog, iti propunem un joc prin care sa afli feedbackul NECESAR:
Te intalnesti cu PRIETENA ta cea mai buna, iar dupa ce v-ati salutat scurt, aseaza-te spate in spate cu ea, si intreab-o ce a retinut din hainele  pe care le porti. Intreab-o culoarea sau modelul; insista si la accesoriile tale.
Raspunsurile primite vor fi piesele care trebuie sa porti si cu alte ocazii, incercand sa realizezi, cu SUCCES, si alte combinatii!