
Deligtful Gifts for YOU

What you should wear as winter holidays outfits?
We thought how would feel a butterfly on a sledging SLOPE. Between the evergreen of Cristmas tress, with white snow on HER body, it's like being under a spell, the womanbutterfly knowing TRUE freedom is having wings. Enjoy the first (1) outfit:
On winter holiday what will excite you more than a sexy present for YOU? So we've decided to capture the seductive attitude of woman in a BOX. So how it feels to be a gift with nice LIPS and with creamy pumpkin pie smoothie skin! Hmm, so yummy, look for the second (2) outfit:
And when all the outfits in winter are FLAT, you must come with something more exciting! For us was okay something simple but contrasting: the black & red OUTFIT. The mistery rose around this moment  when  our woman started to look as a russian girl in the freezing air of M... Bucharest! And who can be more graceful and powerful than that? (3)

Butterfly Tee with red wings, 21 Euro, Silvia Serban | Shoes in black, 48 euro, Atelier Aiurea | Heart shape Earrings swarovski elements , 7 Euro, Zelia Accesorii.

Bowtie in golden, Larisa Dragna | Platform Shoes in ivory, 27 euro, Atelier Aiurea |  Pearl shape Earrings swarovski elements , 7 Euro, Zelia Accesorii.

Tulle Skirt in black, 148 Euro, Silvia Serban | Sheer top in black, 114 euro, Silvia Serban | Snood in red, 114 Euro, Silvia Serban | Butterfly shape earrings swarovski elements in golden , 7 Euro, Zelia Accesorii | Black Wedges, model wardrobe.

Designer: Silvia Serban, O-Pose, Larisa Dragna (Idelier); Atelier Aiurea Shop
Model: Sorina Ana
Make-up and Hair: Andreea Fugaru
Style by: Andrei Avram and Carmen Avram
Photo by: Carmen Avram

Thanks to:
Photographer Florentin Tufa


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Bucharest Fashion Week - uncovered

CATALIN BOTEZATU- "Pin up" ss 2013
Catalin Botezatu este bine cunoscut ca designer atat in tara cat si peste hotare, dar se poate mandri ca showman, fiind gazda in showuri de succes precum Next Top Model.



WANDA'S DREAM - "Winter dolls" fw 2012
Wanda's Dream rochii si corsete spectaculoase:

Cristiana Purdescu inspiratie din stilurile anilor 1940-1950:

Invitatul special al Bucharest Fashion Week, Walid Atallah, cu colectia de rochii de petrecere:

Ego Men's Fashion Concept, cu tinute barbatesti speciale pentru Noaptea de Revelion.

TAKKO - ss 2013
Takko, colectie tinereasca, stil smart-casual:

George Hojbota, negrul in contrast cu alb si rosu, accesorii din plexisiglass si pietre, pantofii supradimensionati ornati cu petale de trandafiri:



Foto: 03.12.2012, Bucharest Fashion Week, Hotel Ramada, Bucuresti
Ne-am gandit sa traim momente speciale in BACKSTAGE-ul Bucharest Fashion Week, alaturi de modele si de designeri. Modelele au dat dovada de daruire dar stiu ca munca fara distractie nu se poate. Iar designerii au urmat trendul si au vrut sa uimeasca prin CREATII spectaculoase si extravagante.
Pe voi ce va atrage la prezentarile din cadrul acestei editii a Bucharest Fashion Week din iarna 2012?Ce designeri admirati? Scrieti-ne raspunsurile si comentariile voastre la acest articol sau pe pagina noastra Facebook: ModapeStrada.