
Ohh la la! Cand romancele stiu sa-si folseasca cea mai de pret si accesibila arma: FRUMUSETEA

Ne place mult, mult de Paula si pentru ca vedem la ea nu doar ce vine din exterior dar cu mult mai mult.
E lung drumul pana a-ti pune in ordine hainele, si sa iesi in strada imbracata intr-o tinuta care sa-ti exprime personalitatea, cu grija pentru fiecare detaliu?

Cat de tentant este vara sa stai intr-o gradina plina de flori proaspete! Paula, te-ai putea simti la fel de fresh purtand o astfel de rochie Asos inflorata; pret 350 ron. Link aici.

Va place tinuta Paulei si rochia alternativa? Puteti sa ne scrieti un comentariu aici sau pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modapestrada .

Va multumim si va stam la dispozitie ca stilisti, pentru a incepe cu dreptul RELATIA cu hainele pe care le purtati zi de zi si la evenimente "speciale".


La Festivalul "George Enescu" serile de Jazz

Te gandesti la jazz si-ti vin in minte atmosfera din club si palariile de jazz, care le dau cantaretilor un aer atat de serios, dar cum ei le-au adoptat atat de bine in tinuta lor, poate le luam si noi in SERIOS!Si, in plus, au si o voce sexy!
Actorii independenti Denisa Nicolae si Lefter Adrian

Tinerii Cosmin si Florin

V-ati lua prietenul cel mai bun la o seara de jazz si de ce?



You'll see I'm serious about this: Eduuard Daniel Portraiture

Fashion Designer: Eduuard Daniel
Photographer: Carmen-Iulia Avram
Image Director: Andrei Avram

After some precious moments on the shooting with Eduard Daniel, the londoner fashion designer, we've tried to grab some of his words about fashion&styling to enter more into his world.

"There is no better way to see real fashion than on the streets. The reason I am thinking this way is because, at special events, the outfit is carefully selected in tone with the occasion rather than the owners personality.
I think that fashionable people should and do inspire every single day, and suggest others to be part of the of the show: this is what turns fashion into STYLE. In fact, style is more important; it's more personal and effective.
I think FASHION is something a bit unreal that should only stay on stage. I believe this way, because a lot of fashion icons nowadays became characters. Turning style into fiction, and also very impersonal.
Speaking of me, I consider myself dressed in truth; and by that I mean wearing fashion every day according with my mood and my personality. I consider that styling is a method of self expression, is something so personal.
If you are in trend or dressed to impress, you tend to fail. Anyway, expectations are always high in such a competitive industry and looking "a la book" is not always the best solution."
Pay a VISIT for his Facebook page, for his site to appreciate his contribution to fashion!


MAN on a Stellar Parade

Thinking to take some bubbles of fresh air, in the best time to visit Bucharest, early summer. And what helps you stand out from the urban jungle of the city: put an effort to the way you dress up every day.
Eduard Daniel, our friend from UK, is a young fashion designer and he took part in many fashion project. His mission here is simple, without any form of agression or violence, he invites everyone to action, to respect the rules that can built a BEAUTIFUL Bucharest. He would say: "This is our time, to those who are young and full of positive energy, of those who love their city: in this case, it's BUCHAREST!"

STOP and think... If you are sent in space for few years, when you land again in Bucharest will you like what you see? Will govern the poverty or the richness, the wickness or the power? Find your way and express yourself!

Fashion Designer: Eduuard Daniel
Photographer: Carmen Avram
Image Director: Andrei Avram

Those preocuppied with fashion and style are easy to recognise, they try to be unforgetable on their way out. 

Read the new article: Eduard Daniel Portraiture here: http://modapestrada.blogspot.ro/2013/07/youll-see-i-am-seriouseduuard-daniel.html

Tell us what form takes fashion and style in your life? Please write a comment, question or answer on the blog page our on our facebook ModapeStrada: http://www.facebook.com/modapestrada