
Come and go, Son of Chameleon

Model and Actor: Andrei Dombrovschi - One Models
Make-up: Maria El Dani
Style: Andrei Avram and Carmen-Iulia Avram
Photo: Carmen-Iulia Avram

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." Mark Twain
Our team created a mixed-up "Chameleon Theme."
Chameleon is sensitive to the changes of hot and cold temperatures. He changes it's colours, from green, to yellow, brown and ... purple.

A man with this complexion, good hair and great clothes can win the hearts of the ladies, instantly!
It's the story about a man who loves to take control. Control is brilliant!
It's just an image of you as avatar it's all about being faithful to a cause until the end.
“The details are not the details. They make the design" - Charles Eames .


2 comentarii:

  1. Multumesc pentru ocazia de a participa la acest proiect extrem de avangardist.
    Succes tuturor, in tot ce va propuneti!

    1. Maria iti multumim pentru colaborare. Vom colabora cu urmatorul proiect care va fi cel putin la fel de incitant. EU iti doresc succes. Good job!
